Succeed in using your data

You have data and you need help ? I can offer you services to understand and get the best from your data. I can also help you to optimize your process.

Thanks to my knowledge and long experience of the aluminium production world, I can offer you personalized solutions in industrial statistics, from training your teams to supporting and carrying studies on your data.

Get in touch to discuss your project in order to have a quote.


Training in statistical methods is a major challenge in order to fully monitor and improve processes.

I offer training in statistics specific to your plant, based on your data and personalized according to your needs. The implementation of your processes in practical cases is an important element to guarantee the success of the training.

My training is suitable for everyone: operators, technicians, engineers.

Tailored Services

I will adapt my approach to your needs: I can provide support to you, to help you complete studies; or conduct research directly on your data and offer a presentation or report.

Clear communication between the person responsible for the process analyzed and the statistician will be a key element of success.

My services ideally take place on site, but can be provided online as well.

Expertise in industrial statistics

Database data extraction, visualization, inferential statistics, modeling, multivariate analysis, parametric statistics, non-parametric statistics, control chart, Equipment lifespan, Design of Experiment (DOE), etc.

Some examples of studies, not exhaustive, carried out on the Hall-Héroult process for alumina electrolysis. These studies for internal use have not given rise to publication.

Process quality and performance:

Reliability / life expectancy:


Recent publications


I have 40 years of experience in the industry, mainly in the primary aluminum industry.

I first worked as a process engineer for 20 years, in R&D or in plants and as a manufacturing manager.

I have been a statistician and a data scientist for 20 years.

I am a chemical engineer (Chimie Paris Tech, 1984) and I completed my training in statistics in Lyon 1 and Toulouse 1 Universities. I also graduated from GENES (Groupement des Ecoles Nationales d’Economie et de Statistique) in data science.

For almost 10 years I have been leading the French-speaking users group of JMP statistical software, leading to my participation in the organization of JMP conferences in Europe (JMP Discovery Summit).

I also had the opportunity in my career to participate in a European research and innovation project as part of Horizon 2020, in partnership with international teams.

Get in touch

Get in touch to discuss your project in order to have a quote.
